Essential Door Maintenance Tips Every Business Owner Must Know

Industrial doors fulfill several important functions for your business.

They protect the workplace from any unwanted invasion, entry or disturbance; they safeguard the interiors from weather elements, they help protect the people, belongings, and property; and they bestow an elegant look to your building beside many other functions too. Hence you must not overlook their maintenance.

Well maintained doors will minimize the need for industrial door repair. Here are some regular maintenance chores you must carry out to see that the doors work well seamlessly.

Essential Door Maintenance Tips
Industrial Door Repair

Useful information

Usually, spring is the best time to attend to the poor maintenance.

In fact, you can think of contacting accomplished industrial door services to attend to the minor issues and preventive maintenance tasks connected to your doors.

Well maintained doors can function well without any hitches during a crucial hour besides minimizing your energy bills too.

Follow these door care tips to avoid any instance of industrial door or swing door repair.

Perform a hardware check

For a fool-proof safety and the proper working of the doors, it is necessary to check the knobs, handles, hinges, and faceplates to see if they are loose.

If you find them loose, use a screwdriver to tighten them. It is also good to replace the broken ones. If you find the lock sticking, you must lubricate it.

Check the weather stripping

Keep the door in the closed position and run your hand along the door sides and bottom. In case you happen to feel a draft, it is necessary to replace the stripping.

Set right the loose paints and scuffs

Take a stiff paint brush. Use it to remove any loose paint that is found chipping. Also, you can use a sandpaper to buff away any scratches and scuff marks.

Clean the door thoroughly

This can be done for all kinds of doors. Use mild soap and water to rinse the door and leave it for drying. Never forget the weather stripping. Use a light coat of furniture wax to go over it. For glass, vinegar and water work well.

Give a facelift to the door

You can go for a fresh coat of paint or stain or finish to give a new facelift for the door. It is a good idea to switch up the color of the door that can dramatically change the appearance of the door.

When you apply a new coat of stain or paint, you are also taking steps to protect the door from the weather elements.

It is a great idea to contact an industrial door installation & repairs Perth company to care for your door in the most professional way.


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